Saturday, February 13, 2010

Earth Worm Freaking JIM!!!


Tyson Murphy said...

this is the awesomest thing i've seen in recent history.

i can show you the little bit i know-- if you want an easy thing to test your displacement out in maya though, just export your ztool as a .ma after you generate a disp. map and polypaint map (if you have one). It will set up everything for you automatically.

normal maps and cavity maps also make the disp. map a lot more crisp.

Unknown said...

very kik ace!!!! oh man would be fun to animate him

Jon Payne said...

Yes, I would like to light him! That ROCKS Jordan!

Avner Geller said...

This is awesome! really nice work, one of my all time favorite games :)

Jonathan Hoffman said...

aw fantastic man! I loved Earth Worm Jim. was this Zbrush? They really need to bring EWJ into the next gen platforms. he'd be amazing