Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The logo rape continues ...

Here is the post-rape logo that my boss likes. This is almost how everything I work on gets handled. Sometimes after he doesn't like my original design, I make it look as crappy as possible. Usually only then he is happy.


Jon Payne said...

cool designs, man. I know what you mean... it's hard when the person you're working for has no design sense whatsoever... looks good, though, for giving into his ideas. too bad he didn't let you control it more, though, cuz man does the color of that wolf vibrate! hurts my eyes! not good... tell him that he hired you for a reason, and to let you do your job. ;)

Ron Jensen said...

Too bad he made you take the guns off. I hope your boss doesn’t read your blog. I know someone who liked to post all their secrets on line for her friends but unbeknownst to her, other acquaintances that weren’t supposed to know about it started reading it too. Very embarrassing.